Thesis Works

In Veri et Boni Cognitione Vera Voluptas

A thesis work in the Nanoelectronic device group allows students to tackle research topics that are at the forefront of the worldwide investigations in the field of 3D non-volatile memories. More information on the general frame of research is available on the research page.
Perspective students usually come from the Engineering Physics or Electronics Engineering curricula, but there are exceptions. Students are actively coached and involved into the research work, and we mainly ask them committment and will to tackle important problems that affect the performance of decananometer devices. Knowledge in the field of semiconductors and electron devices are welcomed, though they are not a strict requirement: all can be learned!
Our research is carried out in collaboration with the USA semiconductor device company Micron and its Italian branch in Vimercate, and STMicroelectronics in Agrate Brianza and Cornaredo. Thesis may be available either in our lab or at the company premises, and span experimental and computational activities.

A list of the works topics can be found hereafter. For further information on the availability, timeline, requirements and so on, please get in touch. Picking a thesis is an important part of your university path; do it with care!


Last modified 5/23